Personal Cargo, Excess Baggage, and Courier Services to India

Personal Cargo, Excess Baggage, and Courier Services to India

Household goods, personal effects such as clothing, books and gifts, or even excess baggage are all grouped into what the logistics industry refers “Personal Cargo” or ‘Personal Effects Shipping’. When you are looking for reliable courier services to India, you’ve … Continue reading

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International Relocation with Affordable Shipping to India

Relocating overseas requires a lot of organizing, planning, time, patience, and perhaps even determination may be required at some point. Relocation to India, however, could mean you need specific assistance with packaging, shipping, and other documentation. Moving overseas could also … Continue reading

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IncoTerms for International Shipping Quotes (Part 1)

Shipping terminology can be a bit complicated, often with the use of various abbreviations or acronyms. Transco Cargo has put together a handy list of incoterms to better understand international shipping procedures.  Did you know that it’s the International Chamber … Continue reading

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